Play versus Work: Who wins the battle?

“I just want to play with my dolls and my mom keeps interrupting me!” six-year-old Rachael explained to me one day. A child’s agenda is play, an adult’s agenda is work. Those two things are often diametrically opposed, resulting in you guessed it…conflict. What are...

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Fireside Chat: Ask Me Anything (AMA)

Welcome to Boldschoolers! Today, I thought it would be fun to do something like a fireside chat. I get a lot of questions from the families that I work with, as well as my subscribers and I thought it would be great to answer some of those questions here. Of course, the opinions and thoughts I...

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Putting On The Cape

I work with superheroes for a living and what they all have in common is a very particular superpower. The kids I get to coach…usually through their parents... all have the superpower of an ability to focus. I mean really focus without distraction. For some, it’s a few minutes at a...

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I'm Homeschooling! Now, What Do I Do?

Welcome to Boldschoolers! Today, I want to talk about school at home and raising our awareness to the choices that we make when deciding how learning outside of school will look and function in our home. When children come home to learn, many parents think that quality homeschooling means...

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Homeschooling: Are we asking the wrong questions?

The idea for Boldschoolers came from a series of events…on top of nearly 30 years of experience in education.  I’ve always believed that no effort is ever wasted. It all seems to come back around, coalesce in different ways until just the right iteration happens at just the...

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Homeschooling? Welcome to Boldschoolers!

Homeschooling can be a wildly varied experience from family to family. That's one of the wonderful things about homeschooling...the flexibility, the adaptability and the individualization that's possible for your unique child and for your family. 

What I'm here to do is to lay a...

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