Bold Reflection: Homeschooling gets a whole lot easier with SCRUM.

Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.

Here are a few of my favorite Scrum games. Get creative and use a combination of physical games and communicative games to start and end the day.


Hand Hacky

Stand with your palms up...

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Homeschooling gets a whole lot easier with SCRUM.

Welcome to Boldschoolers! Today, we’re talking about starts and stops. The primacy/recency effect shows us that we best pay attention to what comes first and what comes last. Beginnings and endings are important, not just because they stand out to us, but also because those starts and ends...

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Bold Reflection: The Straddle--How do I know if my child is learning enough?

Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


  1. Reflect back on your own schooling. What was valuable and what do you consider to have been a waste of time?
  2. What do you want your child to have learned by the time he/she is a young adult?
  3. ...
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The Straddle: How do I know if my child is learning enough?

Welcome to Boldschoolers. Today, we’re talking about two worries I frequently hear: The worry that a child isn’t learning enough content and the worry that a child is not doing enough work.


It's all connected

Children are continually learning, even when we don’t think...

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Thoughts & Reflections: World Domination: What do I do when my child doesnā€™t want to do school?

Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.

  1. Have you set up a Ponderings Board? If not, might it be beneficial?
  2. Do you have things in your life that you’re curious about? If not, make a point daily to notice the world in ways you might...
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World Domination: What do I do when my child doesnā€™t want to do school? Using questions to set daily goals.

Fourth grader, Jacob still loved to trade his Pokemon cards with his friends and he also really liked building with Lego. He wanted to attend a weekly local robotics class, which his Mom and Dad were considering, but they hadn’t yet pulled the trigger. What Jacob didn’t like was...

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Bold Reflections: Let's Party! How do I create an environment of optimism?

Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.

  1. The next time you feel a somewhat significant negative emotion, try asking yourself, “Is it true?” This may be challenging in the heat of emotion, but once you’re able to take a...
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Let's Party! How do I create a homeschooling environment of optimism?

Welcome to Boldschoolers! Today, we're going to talk about positive frames and environments of optimism. Eight-year-old Jackson told me that he liked homeschooling because he got to go on vacations during the year and he could just do his school from wherever he was. He said that his friends near...

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Bold Reflection: How do I know if my child is learning?

At this time, I’m going to explore the idea of offering new content on a bi-weekly schedule. I’m finding that I’m spending so much time creating new content each week that I’m not having the time to create new products that will ideally provide even more value for you long...

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How Do I Know if My Child is Learning?

Eight-year-old Becka asked me if she was actually learning anything. The friends on her block had told her that she wasn’t learning because she didn’t have tests every week like they did in school. Hmmm… I could see how that would be confusing to a child educated outside of...

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Bad to Less Bad: How can my child learn to receive feedback?

Welcome to Boldschoolers! Today, I want to talk to you about what Just-in-Time feedback might look like and how can we best work with kids that have some basic skills mastered, but still need feedback to move to the next level?


When I was in writing school, I learned to raise the bar by...

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Is Your Child Building Grit Or Burning Out?

When asked what their favorite part of school is, a lot of kids will say…recess! I was always so disappointed by that answer, as I thought it said something about the quality of the education we’re offering. The fact is that adults typically want kids to work and kids typically want...

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