The Best Tools to Eliminate Frustration

Welcome to Boldschoolers!
Today, we are talking about frustration. Sometimes kids will be excited to get into a project and once they are into it, they realize that it’s a lot harder than they imagined. Motivation tanks, frustration sets in and they just want to give up, which leaves...

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How do I get my kids to pay attention?

Welcome to Boldschoolers! Today, we’re talking about attention. Why is attention important anyway? If our kids are going to be learning, they will need to be paying attention so that learning can stick. As we all know, we are living in a distractible world, with the pings, beeps and buzzes...

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Bold Reflection: Upstream wins or downstream disasters?


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Last week, we learned about creating competence by loading prior knowledge.

Here are some thoughts and questions to consider.

  • Think about something new your child is about to begin...
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Competence: Upstream wins or downstream disasters?

Welcome to Boldschoolers! We’ve talked about Choice and Connection, so today, let’s talk about Competence…the last of our three psychological needs that make up intrinsic motivation. When we think of competence, I think we often think of our kids being able to do things, to...

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Bold Reflection: your bank account overdrawn or overflowing?

Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Last week, we learned about filling our emotional bank accounts with connection.

Here are some thoughts and questions to consider.

  • Who are your child's mentors/contributors? How might they fill...
Continue Reading... your bank account overdrawn or overflowing?

Welcome to Boldschoolers! Today, we’re talking about connection. Sometimes being home with our kids can feel freeing and joyous and other times…not so much. I know I have a tendency to turn into barking orders mama whenever I start to feel overwhelmed or when I feel like my kids...

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Bold Reflection: Give CHOICE, Get Buy-In


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Last week, we learned about offering choices to create buy-in.

Here are some thoughts and questions to consider.

  • In what ways do you make choices for your child to save personal time and...
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Give CHOICE, Get Buy-In

Welcome to Boldschoolers!

Remember, we talked about motivation last time around. Let's dive into the weeds and talk about choice, connection and competence. If these three psychological needs are satisfied, children are more likely to have positive motivation. Typically, if there’s a...

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Bold Reflection: Deconstructing Motivation


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Last week, we learned about both external and internal motivation.

Here are some thoughts and questions to consider.

  • What are the have-to and the get-to activities in your own life?
  • ...
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Deconstructing Motivation

Welcome to Boldschoolers!

In Japanese, the word kokoro is all about the connection between heart, mind, and spirit. If you write kokoro as a Kanji character it literally means center, heart, and mind. The shape of the character originated from the shape of the human heart, just as the heart has...

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Bold Reflection: The magical state of flow


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Last week, we learned about the psychological state of flow through Megan's story. Today, we'll talk about where we spend most of our time.

Here are some thoughts and questions to...

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The magical state of flow

Welcome to Boldschoolers! Today, we’re continuing to lay the foundation for learning outside of school. Though I started working with homeschoolers 15 years ago, my first experiences in working with children came out of the public schools. My interest had been in creating immersive,...

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