Feel free to browse our case studies to see what kinds of results BOLD has created.




Build a life-long love of learning.


"An amazingly well-rounded expert takes your family on an exciting journey to the depths of learning."

"Even the most joyful pursuit of knowledge comes with struggle. Dr. Wilde teaches you how to turn that energy into flow. Her multifaceted academic achievements and extensive experience as a dedicated educator blend into genuine passion for guiding families on their personalized schooling paths.

Well-structured video lectures introduce key topics, which are deepened in written materials that inspire reflection, goal-setting, and real-life action. Dr. Wilde vividly describes all phenomena and techniques, provides entertaining examples, case studies, and fascinating scientific background information. She creates unforgettable metaphors that will resurface when you need them in challenging moments. 

Another highlight are the coaching calls. In a nurturing and productive atmosphere, Dr. Wilde listens intently and empathetically, and gives precise and helpful expert advice for everyone's specific circumstances, We always receive ample time to have all our questions thoroughly answered, and leave with new inspirations. If children choose to attend, she engages with them in the most caring, appreciative manner.  Other parents' experiences and suggestions are an encouraging bonus. 

Many of us start this program to further our children's learning experience. Along the way, we realize that these techniques enhance the entire family's life-long learning abilities, and professional competencies like customer centricity, team building and management. And maybe we even heal suboptimal schooling memories most of us carry around. Our daughter is thriving, and we are having fun studying. We are so happy we invested in this gift of life-skills."


Feel understood.


"Whenever I have a problem and  ask how I can solve it, Laura is always very calm and encouraging. She asks interesting questions to narrow down what is going on, and makes very helpful suggestions. I like Laura because she really understands and helps me grow."



Develop confidence. Enrich relationships.
"Laura is a wealth of knowledge. She has helped me in more ways than I can express. Having her support and guidance has given me the confidence to school my two children in a way that is meaningful and fun. Laura is well-versed in many forms of schooling and self-directed learning and innately knows what each individual child needs to thrive.
Every conversation with Laura leaves me little nuggets of information to enrich my relationships with my kids and my children's learning experience."


Struggles become strengths. Passion for learning grows.


"If it wasn't because of Laura, we would not have used self-directed learning 3 years ago.  She had taught us that learning happens anywhere, anytime, and in ways we normally would not think of.  

My son had the best learning experience when he was allowed to be curious and explore his interests. What used to be his struggles in the traditional classroom setting became his strengths! We've seen his passion for learning grow, and as a result, he has taken it to the next level.

We could not have helped our son thrive without Laura's help!

She would always be there, encouraging and supporting us, and providing us with creative ways and resources to support him in his learning experience.

Thank you so much, Laura!"


Find wonder and desire.  Retain what you learn.


"The BOLD program had an immense effect on our schooing journey. After six years of trying various approaches, multiple curriculum options and learning techniques, our school still looked not even close to what I'd dreamed about in the very beginning.
Fortunately, Laura showed me how to make my dream come true. Wonder instead of boredom, desire instead of force, smiles instead of tears. Now the children and I are happier, retaining more from what we learn and are more than ever before confident that we chose the right way of schooling." 

Joseph T.

My wife is calm and more relaxed.

"I leave most of the kids' education to my wife, but I've seen a big change in our household since my wife joined Boldschoolers. She's less frazzled and I see the kids doing a lot more for themselves now. It's like they own what they're learning rather than before when my wife was more excited than they were. Something's working and from what I can see I think we have Boldschoolers to thank."

I don't fight with my son over school anymore.

"My biggest hurdle was myself. I kept thinking that my son had to learn in the only way I knew how to do school and that was a disaster. I kept pushing him everyday to do what I wanted him to do. I was a little task-master. All we did is fight all day long.
Laura showed me another way for my son to learn and he's so much happier and so am I. He's learning way more and I don't have a struggle all day long. I'm so glad I started working with Dr. Laura."

Linda P.

I've gotten hours back in my week to do the things I want to do.

"I got involved with Boldschoolers for the kids, but I think I've gotten as much benefit, if not more. This program is about living a great life...period. I've learned so many things that I apply to my own life and my own learning and even my getting hours back in my week to do the things I want to do. Laura doesn't really mention that benefit, but I think it's a hidden gem."

Rachael F.

My child remembers what she learns!

"I lacked confidence in my abilities to help my child, so I am so glad that I started off with Laura. Not only did I meet a group of likeminded people that actually "get" helpful, but I learned ways to help my kid remember what she learns.

I learned when to sit next to her and what to do when she gets frustrated. I feel way more confident and assured that I'm not messing her up for the future. Now, I actually think she has a big advantage over other kids. Laura made that possible. So grateful...Cheers!"

Bring Back the Joy & Make Sure Your Child is Future-Ready