Sick of Battling with Your Kids Over School? Feel Like You're Failing Them?

Every day feels like a lost opportunity. You see your child struggling and think, "I CAN'T get this wrong. There's too much at stake."

You're not alone.



Neuroscience and Psychology Agree:

There's a Better Way

We've studied the science behind learning, so you don't have to, picking up the ball where schools have dropped it.

We bring together cutting-edge strategies and personalized attention to overcome the challenges you face, whether your child is 5-years-old or 15.

Unlock Learning Success with Boldschoolers: As Scientific as It Is Personal

  • Resilient Biology: Set the foundation for a mind & body that feel good.
  • Streamlined Systems: Gain hours back in the week.
  • Learn to Learn: Learn HOW to learn and love learning.
  • Dynamo Flow: Feel their best and perform their best.

We don't just offer a course; we offer a complete transformation.

You are not alone and we know how important feedback is, so with our bonuses we will be with you every step of the way.

4-Phase Structured Program to Learn how to Excel at Life & Learning only $97/month


Bonuses That Make the Difference

Monthly Masterclass--a private BOLD content podcast

Backstage Pass--behind the scenes of a BOLD concept in action

Member Makeover--we help a member implement a BOLD concept with success.

Library Archive--of curated resources

Private Online Community


Total investment in your child’s future: STILL ONLY $97/month

or $997/year & save $200


Your child's future, optimized. The stress, gone. The struggles, a thing of the past.

This Is Your Child's Moment; Don't Let It Slip

The cost of continuing down your current path could be irreversible.

  • Kids lose their curiosity & creativity and become solely motivated by praise and grades.
  • You miss out on enjoying your children because you are arguing over homework and school responsibilities.
  • Kids that don’t know HOW to learn will potentially lose their jobs to new technology and face financial instability, resulting in a reliance on parental support.

The cost of choosing Boldschoolers? A lifetime of your child's academic success and happiness, for a fraction of the price of even one bonus.

Your child deserves the best. You know what to do.

Show your child how to take control of any future challenge by learning HOW to learn with Boldschoolers.


Don't wait...your child is only this age once in a lifetime.