$97.00 USD

Every month

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BOLD Month

Bring back the JOY &  be future-ready.

What you'll get:

  • Curious & Creative Kids
  • Kids that know HOW to learn.
  • Kids that have the tools for emotional agility. 


Your BOLD Membership Includes:

  • The complete BOLD program including 6 core modules, videos, action guide, worksheets and transcripts designed to develop optimal learning in your child.
  • Bonus 1: Monthly Masterclass--a private BOLD content podcast
  • Bonus 2: Backstage Pass--behind the scenes of a BOLD concept in action
  • Bonus 3: Member Makeover--we help a member implement a BOLD concept with success
  • Bonus 4: Library Archive--of curated resources
  • Private Online Community

What People Are Saying:

My son had the best learning experience when he was allowed to be curious and explore his interests. What used to be his struggles in the traditional classroom setting became his strengths! We've seen his passion for learning grow, and as a result, he has taken it to the next level.

Jennifer C.