Bold Reflection: The Straddle--How do I know if my child is learning enough?

Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


  1. Reflect back on your own schooling. What was valuable and what do you consider to have been a waste of time?
  2. What do you want your child to have learned by the time he/she is a young adult?
  3. Which of those things are content specific and which are something else?
  4. Why is it valuable or not valuable to focus on traditional learning standards and content?
  5. Imagine that your child is learning content that you want him/her to learn. Is there another way to learn that content that may be different from a traditional learning method that’s often a book or lecture?
  6. Is there value in learning content in different ways?
  7. Are you more comfortable with traditional learning methods? Why or why not?
  8. What processes do you want your child to master? For example, having the ability to meet a deadline, grind out a report, break down learning into smaller pieces, know how to find expert guidance, understand which tools to use to grasp challenging, new information, etc.
  9. What is your child passionate about? What stokes the fire in his belly to go all in?
  10. Start to look at your child’s relationship to effort and failure? Is she willing to work hard? If so, when? Is she afraid of failure or does she see it as a necessary step in the learning process?


Feel free to review last week's recording on traditional school methods when learning at home.




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