Bold Reflection: Upstream wins or downstream disasters?


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Last week, we learned about creating competence by loading prior knowledge.

Here are some thoughts and questions to consider.

  • Think about something new your child is about to begin learning?
    • Is there relevancy and meaningfulness for your child? Discuss to make sure your child understand why the material is important. Framing.
    • What are the key ideas you want your child to understand or master?
    • Can you create a concrete experience to either build that prior knowledge or to get a preview of the desired learning in your child's body (e.g., a field trip, a project, an experiment, an exploration, an interview).
    • Debrief the activity to make sure your child got what was intended.
  • What does your child already know that is related to the topic?
    • Bring up that understand and discuss it or work with it in some way. Priming.
  •  Where's the curiosity in the topic that your child can chase?
    • Follow that curiosity
    • Renegotiate what's most meaningful based on your child's input and direction


Feel free to review last week's recording where we looked at competence.


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