Bold Reflection: Two ways to lower overwhelm, Part Two

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We've been looking at ways to lower daily overwhelm by lowering cognitive load. Here are five more strategies.

  • Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques: Engaging in mindfulness exercises, meditation, or relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and promote mental clarity. These practices allow you to focus your attention and alleviate cognitive load.

  • Limit distractions: Minimize distractions in your environment to enhance focus and reduce cognitive load. Turn off notifications on your phone or computer, designate specific periods for focused work, and create a quiet and distraction-free space when needed.

  • Take breaks: Regularly schedule short breaks during mentally demanding activities. Stepping away from the task and engaging in a different, less cognitively demanding activity can help recharge your mental energy and prevent cognitive fatigue.

  • Get sufficient rest and sleep: Prioritize getting enough quality sleep and rest. Fatigue and sleep deprivation can significantly increase cognitive load and impair cognitive functioning. Ensure you establish healthy sleep habits to support optimal cognitive performance.

  • Stay organized and maintain routines: Establishing effective organizational systems, such as keeping a calendar, maintaining to-do lists, and setting reminders, can help reduce mental load associated with keeping track of commitments and deadlines.


What one or two strategies above might make a difference in your everyday experience? How might you pair these strategies with the ones we highlighted last week?

Happy Boldschooling!

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