Bold Reflection: Two ways to lower overwhelm, Part One

Lower cognitive load and you lower overwhelm.

Today, we're diving into strategies for lowering cognitive load in everyday life. Lowering cognitive load can help reduce mental strain and take the edge off of overwhelm. We'll cover five this week and five next week.

  1. Simplify routines: Streamline your daily routines by eliminating unnecessary steps or tasks. Simplifying your morning or evening routines, for example, can reduce decision-making fatigue and free up mental resources for other activities.

  2. Declutter your physical space: A cluttered environment can create visual and mental distractions, increasing cognitive load. Keep your physical space organized and clutter-free to promote focus and clarity.

  3. Break tasks into smaller steps: When faced with complex or overwhelming tasks, break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. This approach helps prevent cognitive overload and allows you to tackle one task at a time.

  4. Prioritize and delegate: Identify the most important tasks or responsibilities and prioritize them accordingly. Delegate tasks when possible to reduce the cognitive load associated with managing multiple responsibilities simultaneously.

  5. Use tools and technology: Leverage tools and technology to simplify and automate tasks. Calendar apps, task management tools, and reminder systems can help offload cognitive demands and improve productivity.

What one or two strategies above might make a difference in your everyday experience?

Happy Boldschooling!

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