Bold Reflection: The magical state of flow


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Last week, we learned about the psychological state of flow through Megan's story. Today, we'll talk about where we spend most of our time.

Here are some thoughts and questions to consider.

  • What activities bring you the most joy? You might lose track of time in such activities, feel optimistic or carefree, confident and capable.
  • Do you spend time each week in such activities? If not, why not?
  • What kinds of activities do you think bring your child such feelings? It might be some type of play activity, whether sports or with friends. It might be building with Lego, reading a fun book or writing a story. It might be going to an interesting vendor class with friends or meeting friends online to play a video game. What activities does your child enjoy the most?
  • How much time does your child spend each day or week in these highly motivating activities? Do they have a priority in the weekly routine?
  • What percentage of time do you spend producing versus consuming in your own life? Not that one is right and another is wrong, but it might be worth looking at the balance between the two and the amount of time we allocate to each. How much time does your child spend in each?
  • Is your day filled with activities that you find meaningful? Check in with your child: Are the daily activities and tasks that you all do meaningful to your child?
  • Consider starting a conversation about what is most meaningful.


Feel free to review last week's recording where we introduced the psychological state of flow.


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