Bold Reflection: The best tools to eliminate frustration

Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Last week, we focused on building awareness around emotional wellbeing.

Here are some thoughts and questions to consider:

  • Help your child begin to name physical experiences and emotions.
    • Is there a headache or tightness in the chest?
    • Does the brain feel fuzzy or are the legs and arms tense?
    • Is there heat building up inside or does the body have the wiggles?
  • Encourage your child to identify and name emotions beyond happy and sad.
    • Frustrated, peaceful, relaxed, agitated, excited, confused, scared, prideful, angry, amused, etc.
  •  Help your child start to connect bodily actions to feelings to needs. For example, "When I start to look all over the room and jiggle in my seat (actions), I feel antsy (feeling) and I know I need a brain break," (need)


Feel free to review last week's recording where we looked at competence.



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