Bold Reflection: The need for solitude

Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


How do you feel about screen usage, in general? In your own child?  

What parameters will you set (or wish you had set) as your child grows and develops?  

What are the positives and negatives of social media usage? How might you navigate the strong desires of your child towards screen time? For example, will you educate your child on the positives and negatives of social media and let your child make some decisions or will you enforce what you believe to be best and set some hard lines. There’s no wrong answer and your perspective depends on your child and your family. It can be useful to think these things through ahead of time, talk to your peer group and other parents and educators you align with.  

Have you consciously set aside time for reflection in your child’s day? If so, when and how and what is the impact for your child’s learning? If not, consider how reflection might be useful.  

Does your child have time set aside for solitude? Do you? Does solitude sound appealing or anxiety provoking for you or your child? If so, why?  

Happy Boldschooling!

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