Bold Reflection: How do you know how you're doing?

Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Practice giving specific feedback within your family and friend group. Instead of just saying you like someone’s hair for example, you might say something like, “Your haircut frames your face beautifully, making your eyes pop, and the color of it reminds me of fall leaves. One of my favorite times of year.” Okay, maybe that’s a bit corny, but you get the idea. We don’t know what works or doesn’t work unless people in our lives get specific.


Practice asking for specific feedback from friends and family members. You might ask your friend to read through a job proposal or your resume and offer specific feedback on areas you’re unsure about. You might ask your kids how you’re doing in the parenting department. For example, I recently asked my teenage daughter to alert me when she feels like I’m unhelpfully lecturing her. I’m not able to feel myself start down that path and I can course correct more easily. When we ask for feedback, it's much easier to allow humor and levity to take center stage, rather than hurt and opposition.


If you would like to learn how to use different types of feedback successfully with your child, come join us in Boldschooler’s Blueprint. Happy Boldschooling!


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