Bold Reflection: HQL for YOURSELF


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


What are our twenty curiosities?


List one or two that you feel especially excited about and that ideally intersect with other curiosities.


Start to poke around the curiosity by checking out a book from the library, listening to a lecture on the topic or identifying local or online mentors or classes.


Start with a very low level of commitment. Spend 20 minutes a few times a week, learning more about the topic. If it still seems interesting after this minimal investment, invest some additional time.


Start slow and there’s no obligation to pursue anything that isn’t interesting. Try on the metaphorical shoes and if they are a good fit, walk around a little. If not, choose something else and start again.


Once you’ve got some learning under your belt, tell a friend about it. Share some of what you’ve learned. And perhaps even have a conversation with someone that knows a bit more on the topic than you do.


Keep going. Happy Boldschooling!

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