Bold Reflection: HQL for Kids

Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Leisure Activities

Here are a few examples, but expose your child to many options and see what might spark curiosity. 

  • Sports, both team (such as soccer or volleyball) and more individual (such as fencing, rock climbing, tennis, swimming or archery) Hiking and nature journaling are enjoyable for many, as well.
  • Musical Instruments that are common, such as piano or guitar, but also think about less common alternatives such as the didgeridoo.
  • Common interest clubs: virtual and in-person, such as a Lego club, Pokémon club, political activism or animal welfare.
  • Crafts such as handwork, sewing, woodworking, metal or leatherwork.
  • Art such as calligraphy, painting, sculpting, weaving, or photography.
  • Books (both audio and print, read alone or in tandem) in a wide variety of genres that you might share and discuss.
  • Creative Writing and book binding, if your child has the interest.



What do Supplies look like?

Are there specialized supplies that will enable success? Such as crafting materials, musical instruments, clothing or comfortable shoes?


What does Mentoring look like?

I will often find video courses with world-class teachers when I want to learn something new. I find them affordable, and the cost far outweighs the frustration and disappointment when I try to learn something new on my own without feedback. Feedback is critical to growth and progression, so make sure you have quality coaching, in-person or through technology.

 Happy Boldschooling!

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