Bold Reflection: Homeschooling gets a whole lot easier with SCRUM.

Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.

Here are a few of my favorite Scrum games. Get creative and use a combination of physical games and communicative games to start and end the day.


Hand Hacky

Stand with your palms up towards the ceiling. Take a hacky ball and bat the ball back and forth between your hands and keep the ball in the air. Do this for a bit. Pause. Add in a step. Have participants clap in celebration every time the ball hits the ground before picking it up and continuing. Pause again. Add another step. Count how many times the ball is batted before it falls to the ground with clapping. Try for a personal best in the number of times it is batted and airborne.



In partners, count to three and you both say a word at the same time, any word. Then, count to three again and you both say a word that connects the two previous words. For example, in the first round one might say, “apple” and the other might say, “doughnut.” In the second round, you both might say, “circular” and the game ends. If you both say different words in the second round, the third round connects those two new words.


Room Change

Ask your child to redesign a room in your house for the day and design how it will be used for learning that day. It’s great if you are able to include the furniture facing a different direction in some way.


Time Machine

Close your eyes and go back twenty, thirty, fifty a hundred years in time. How would people talk and dress? What would they eat or drink? What objects would or wouldn’t be in the room? Shift perspectives to different types of people in different places.


Word of the Day

Announce the word at the beginning of the day. Whenever someone uses the word, everyone jumps up and does three jumping jacks or toe touches or other action.


I'd love to hear some of your favorite games. Please, reach out and let me know.


 Feel free to review last week's recording on traditional school methods when learning at home.


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