Bold Reflection: Give CHOICE, Get Buy-In


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Last week, we learned about offering choices to create buy-in.

Here are some thoughts and questions to consider.

  • In what ways do you make choices for your child to save personal time and energy?
  • Are there any choices that could be handed over to your child with some prior planning?
  • How might you maintain an environment of optimism and positivity for yourself in that process?
  • How might you offer choice, such that it's not overwhelming to your child?
  • What are your child's interests and goals?
  • What choices or planning could your child do in those specific areas?
  • Consider helping your child establish a goal based around a personal interest and break that goal down into smaller pieces that are more easily accomplished.


Feel free to review last week's recording where we looked at choice.


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