Bold Reflection: Getting in and staying in

The blog where families find flow and learn to learn.


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.

 Getting In

We want our kids to focus on school and work, but often they aren't set up for success. Take a close look at the environment in which they are working. Where's the interference? What are the distractions? Look for things that make noise or things that lure visual attention away from focus. Have a discussion and do your best to clear the space with your child's help.

Consider having discussions about the little voice in your child's head. What does it say to your child? No judgement. Just start the conversation and notice. Be gentle, accepting and attentive when your child opens up. It takes a lot of vulnerability to be honest about how we speak to ourselves.

Self-talk is a major interrupter and not something we'll readily change in one conversation.  For the moment, discuss exceptions to the negative thoughts. For example, if your child feels incompetent, notice and discuss times she was extremely competent. If your child feels like she doesn't have friends or isn't good at a sport, discuss examples to the contrary. We aren't making a child wrong, but helping him see that his perspective is only part of the story.


Staying In

Discuss various ways to add novelty, unpredictability and complexity to learning. Maybe your child will read under a blanket fort or hold a study group in a backyard tree house. Maybe he will volunteer to teach something he's passionate about to a group of younger children or maybe she will conduct an informational interview with an expert. I'd love to hear how you're mixing it up!


Happy Boldschooling and if you're interested in learning more, come play with us in a Boldschoolers online course.


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