Bold Reflection: Deconstructing Motivation


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Last week, we learned about both external and internal motivation.

Here are some thoughts and questions to consider.

  • What are the have-to and the get-to activities in your own life?
  • Where in your life are you motivated externally by praise or status or tangible reward? Take a look at the role of external motivators in your life. How does that type of motivation make you feel before, during and after the activity?
  • When you feel the pinch of extrinsic motivation, practice shifting your perspective to see if you can find some alignment with your own values or goals. Note how that makes you feel.
  • Under what circumstances do you find yourself leading with bribes or threats (carrots/sticks) with your child?
  • How might you be able to front load those situations with more positive forms of motivation?
  • Where does your child experience intrinsic forms of motivation? Is there a way to increase time spent in those areas of interest?


Feel free to review last week's recording where we deconstructed motivation.


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