Bold Reflection: Where are you Going?


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Last week, we talked about clear goals and creating the life you want. You might consider playing the what do you want game with yourself and see what arises. Be relentless and don’t let yourself off the hook. Put the time on your calendar now and do it. You might be surprised at what you discover.


When working with big, bold goals, it can be helpful to work backwards.

What goal do you want to reach in 6 months?

What are several three-month milestones?

One month?

One week?



Once you arrive at some goals, What are 3-4 itty, bitty goals that you could do tomorrow that would support you making progress towards a big, bold goal for yourself? You want to pick a number of daily goals that will set you up for success. What can you really get done? Maybe it’s less and maybe it’s more, but experiment and find the right balance for your day. You want every box checked by the end of the day (so you can win the day) and you want each goal to be small and specific with a clear completion. 


Write them down either on a To Do list or some other management tool.


One management tool that many find useful is a Kanban board. Kanban boards can be digital or physical on a whiteboard or any type of paper. When we can physically move a clear goal from the To Do to the Doing to the Done column, we get a hit of dopamine, which is highly motivating.


To Do



Spend 30 minutes on my creative writing during the kids’ nap time.

Prep dinner while the kids eat lunch, so we can eat before 6 giving me time to connect with my spouse after dinner.

Ten minutes of stretching first thing in the morning from 6:30-6:40.

Read 20 minutes in a genre I’m not familiar with before bed, instead of watching television.


Ten minutes of breathwork/meditation on the Insight Timer before the kids get up at 7.  


Notice how specific, small and manageable the clear goals example is above. We succeed with clear goals because they are small, manageable steps forward.

Pause, consider and write them down!


Happy Boldschooling!

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