Bold Reflection: The sweet spot for parents

Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


What are some ways you know you’re bored? Or overwhelmed? What does your brain do or your body? Do you feel like your head is spinning or do your palms get sweaty or do you start thinking about your To Do list? Do you feel the creep of anxiety or do you get sleepy? How will you know that the challenge level you’re learning at is in that sweet spot of not too hard and not too easy? In your chosen activity, how might you adjust it? Could you call a friend? Hire a mentor or purchase a class? Could you add your own imaginative twist or make the activity more complex in some way?


When I can’t adjust the challenge/skill balance easily, one technique I like to use is gratitude. Gratitude lowers anxiety and helps us stretch our abilities further into the challenge/skill balance.

Happy Boldschooling!

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