If you could help your child love learning and excel at it, for only $97/mo...


Would you take that offer? 


This will take you less than 5 minutes to read and 1 minute to decide.


If you’re on this page, you’re probably already homeschooling or considering homeschooling. You're here because you've got that niggling feeling your child could be getting more out of their education. The most common question I hear from parents is:

"Am I doing enough to prepare my child?"


The future holds many challenges, like automation, which is predicted to displace millions of jobs by 2030. How will our kids adapt when jobs as we know them change or disappear?

Then there's the trend of young adults moving back home. Over half end up back in their childhood bedrooms due to missed opportunities and tough economic times. Would you rather your child launch into a fulfilling career or come back home to live with you?

In an uncertain future, kids will need the agility to learn their way into new opportunities. The best way to achieve this is by developing skills that promote well-being in mind and body, organize productivity for success, learn anything effectively, and perform at their best. Do your kids have those skills?

After over three decades in education and parenting three incredibly unique kids, I can honestly say it's been anything but a smooth ride. Parenting is hands-down the toughest gig out there—emotionally charged, unpaid, and full of surviving the day moments. Can we agree?

Looking back, with what I know now, I'd do things differently. My eldest, despite his dyslexia, was a high achiever. My middle child, with his unique neurodiversity, often pushed us to the breaking point. And my youngest, a true artist, had attention that skittered like a squirrel in the park.

With 75% of students feeling tired, bored, stressed, and anxious about school, learning at home can be a chance for our children to love learning and come away with solid skills for any career they choose. During the times my kids were schooled at home and in traditional environments, I knew that learning outside of school was an opportunity to do things differently. No two kids are the same, so cookie-cutter curriculums wouldn’t cut it. Yet, no matter what kind of learning we tried, I often felt like I was just keeping my head above water, ending most days overwhelmed and defeated by unmet needs—often my own.

You know your child better than anyone and are more invested in their future, making you the perfect person to facilitate their goals. But how? That's why I created BOLD after years of grappling with these questions myself. Combining my PhD insights on intrinsic motivation with decades of real-world teaching experience, BOLD is designed not just to help your family survive learning at home, but to truly thrive.


If I knew then what I know now, life would have been a whole lot more joyful.


BOLD is not a curriculum, but instead, an underlying set of skills. We aim to equip your family with tools to build resilience, adaptability, and a lifelong passion for learning—qualities essential for today's ever-changing world.

BOLD shows parents how to help their kids manage their overall well-being, excel in their passions, and continuously adapt, wherever they are working and learning. It's all based on a simple, science-backed four-part system focusing on Biology, Systems, Learning, and Flow. These skills aren’t hard—our military uses them, elite athletes and top executives use them. We just don’t usually share these ideas with kids. It’s time to change that, and you can be that change for your child.

So, whatever your child is facing, or whatever goals they have, it's time to get BOLD. Whether your kid is just starting school or navigating the teen years, we've got you.

Kids who used to feel lost or disengaged are now diving into their days with energy and excitement. They're not just getting through the day—they're genuinely thriving. Better sleep, smoother emotional rides, and a real zest for learning that just wasn't there before. This isn't just us talking; it's a whole community of parents and kids who've seen real results with BOLD.

Scroll down to see what they say and join our community of thriving learners and families.



Lidiya S.

Confident and smiling kids.

"We went from uncertainty, fear, and struggles to being confident and successful. We now have wonder instead of boredom, desire instead of force, smiles instead of tears. The children and I are happier and retaining more from what we learn."

Beatrice L.

Heal negative schooling experiences.

Have fun studying.

"These techniques enhance the entire family's life-long learning abilities and in the process, we've healed suboptimal schooling memories that we carried around, as well. Our daughter is now thriving and having fun studying."

Jennifer C.

Develop passion for learning.

"What used to be my son's struggles in the traditional classroom setting became his strengths! We've seen his passion for learning grow, and as a result, he has taken learning to the next level. We couldn't have done it without Laura's help!"

Julie R.

Know how to learn in a way that's meaningful and fun.

"My children now know how to learn in a way that's meaningful and fun. Laura innately knows what each individual child needs to thrive. Every conversation with her leaves me little nuggets of information to enrich my children's learning experience."

Bring Back the Joy & Make Sure Your Child is Future-Ready


©2024 Boldschoolers
Laura Wilde cannot and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results with our ideas, information, tools or strategies.
Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results, and we do not offer any medical, educational or other professional advice. Any results referenced on any of our sites are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered promises of future performance. Use caution and always consult your doctor or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.