Bold Reflections: Pedal to the Metal--Kaizen

The blog where families find flow and learn to learn.


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Kaizen provides a structured approach to continuous improvement and learning. Rooted in the philosophy of making small, incremental...

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Bold Reflections: Pedal to the Metal

The blog where families find flow and learn to learn.


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


 The Challenge/Skill balance directly influences a child's state of flow and intrinsic motivation. When a task is too easy, it...

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Pedal to the Metal or Screeching Down the Road

Anna told me that her work seemed easy and she was flying along great until BAM, suddenly it was way too hard and she just wanted to cry. She couldn’t understand how it could be easy and then suddenly so, so hard.

When we learn, we build upon things we already know, our prior knowledge, and...

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Bold Reflections: Are you Taking Charge or Being Left Behind?

Boldschoolers Be Bold

The blog where families find flow and learn to learn.


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.


Where we have choice, we have ownership.


Empowering Kids Through Choice


1. Project Learning


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Are you Taking Charge or Being Left Behind?

Have you ever felt that traditional schooling doesn't quite align with what you want to learn, how you want to learn or when you want to learn?

You're not alone.


Welcome to the self-directed learning (SDL) revolution, an alternative approach that's changing the way we think about...

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Bold Reflection: Is rest and relaxation overrated?

Seven Strategies for Recovery

1. Protect your schedule: Don't let distractions and time-wasters creep into your day.

2. Protect the asset...meaning yourself in sleep. I use CD8 to help me remember that we sleep best in a Cold, Dark room for 8 hours (though many kids do best with 10-12 hours).


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Is Rest and Relaxation Overrated?

Welcome to Boldschoolers!

Is rest and relaxation overrated? NO! In fact, a particular kind of rest and relaxation is essential to optimal performance.

When in flow, a massive amount of brain chemistry and energy are released, leaving us in dire need of recovery. Most of us can only fully focus...

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Bold Reflection: Getting in and staying in

The blog where families find flow and learn to learn.


Thoughts & Reflections

Consider jotting down a few notes, perhaps in a journal or notebook.

 Getting In

We want our kids to focus on school and work, but often they aren't set up for success. Take a close look at the...

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Getting In and Staying In

If your child stays in focus and has some skills in the area mastered and automatized, there’s a good chance of finding flow. Remember, flow is that state where you feel your best and perform your best. In flow, time slows down or speeds up, the critical voice in our head vanishes and...

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Bold Reflection: Two ways to lower overwhelm, Part Two

 Welcome to Boldschoolers!

We've been looking at ways to lower daily overwhelm by lowering cognitive load. Here are five more strategies.

  • Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques: Engaging in mindfulness exercises, meditation, or relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and...

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Bold Reflection: Two ways to lower overwhelm, Part One

Lower cognitive load and you lower overwhelm.

Today, we're diving into strategies for lowering cognitive load in everyday life. Lowering cognitive load can help reduce mental strain and take the edge off of overwhelm. We'll cover five this week and five next week.

  1. Simplify routines:...

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Two Ways to Lower Overwhelm

We've been learning about flow the last few weeks. Let's zoom out to a different vantage point and take a look at flow's impact on our daily life.

There have been studies on flow and what we understand so far is that flow causes us to be more productive, more creative and have a much easier time...

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